Semantic Data Enrichment: from Interactive Exploration to Scalable Deployment

Tutorial website for the ESWC2024 tutorial on semantic data enrichment for data scientists.


This tutorial introduces the topic of semantic data enrichment, covering theoretical and practical considerations. In particular, the tutorial will provide an explanation of the role that semantics play in data enrichment for downstream AI-based applications, a review of the advantages and limitations of tools, methodologies, and techniques for semantic data enrichment available today, and a practical dive into the creation of data transformations for enriching the data.



The tutorial will be a half-day tutorial requiring approximately three hours including presentations and practical sections. The draft schedule proposed for the tutorial is the following:

Part II: Semantic Data Enrichment, Applications and Requirements 45 MIN


  • Semantics and KGs for data enrichment
  • The Link & Extend enrichment paradigm
    • Interactive exploration and scalability
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Part III: Selected State-of-the-art 60 MIN


  • Data preparation solutions
    • The broader context of data preparation solutions
  • Scalable data pipelines
    • A quick introduction to solutions for scalability
  • Tabular data annotation
    • From heuristic techniques to generative LLMs
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Part IV: Semantic Data Enrichment in Practice with Tools 60 MIN


  • Service-based approach
    • Data model for interoperability
    • Service model for composability
  • Interactive definition of pipelines
    • Exploration with graphical UI
    • Pipeline definition with programmatic UI
  • Pipeline execution at scale
    • Execution with workflow managers (Argo & TAO)
  • Live demos
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Part VI: Conclusions and Discussion 15 MIN


  • Wrap-up and take-home messages
  • Discussion
  • References
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Matteo Palmonari

Matteo Palmonari

Associate Professor

Dumitru Roman

Dumitru Roman

Senior Research Scientist

Flavio De Paoli

Flavio De Paoli

Associate Professor

Roberto Avogadro

Roberto Avogadro

Research Scientist


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